"Labour antisemitism must be confronted – with
nuance, clarity and empathy "
Following the decision of Nadia Whittome MP to defend the EHRC and look after the welfar of a clearly upset Jewish member of the Labour after what she even as someone from the left of the party described as a "hostile atmosphere" I decided to look at her page. Nadia has published an article on Labourlist in which she considers Corbyn's remarks "ill-considered" (an understatement in the circumstances) but wants the man reinstated. She then goes writes:
......I am concerned that many Jewish members feel unwelcome – and, yes, unsafe – as a result of the way that debates relating to antisemitism are often conducted and handled at CLP level. We have a duty to protect the wellbeing of all Jewish members and ensure they feel welcome and included in everything we do in our local parties. After all, how democratic can a debate or discussion be said to be if many Jewish members do not feel able or safe to attend in the first place?Tackling antisemitism and implementing the EHRC recommendations must be at the forefront of our minds and form a bare minimum in terms of the basis for any further or related discussions. The position of our ‘side’ of the party, or short-term accumulation of political capital, should not come into it.
This was far too much for the "Corbynistas who launched tirades of abuse against her both on Facebook and Twitter including much that that would be considered antisemitic itself nd certainly were in serious denial of the problem. For theis left-wing MP attempting in her own way for a solution was just sheer betrayal to them.
I chose to congragulate her on her brave stand which it is even if I disagree with her over Corbyn and probably other issues. Labour should be broad enough to allow differing points of view but experience has shown us that this political current around Corbyn has a very narrow vision that even other leftists fall foul of (There are a couple of frankly unecessary references to the Alliance For Workers Liberty (AWL) who almost alone of the organised left actually recognise left-wing antisemtism exists.
I decided to reply to a small number of respondents even though I knew it would be a pointless exercise. One comrade told me that Israel was a European colonial settler state and refused not just to recognise Jews but even described me as white wiping out half my personal heritage as only my mother was Jewish hence the surname. Imagine doing that to any other member of an ethnic group.
However what really summed up the problem for me was an exchange with someone called Debashis De. He demanded I respond to the following point:
I duly responded and expanded my response to allow for debate to reach some kind of common ground:
I oppose Naetanyahu & the settlements policy. Disagreeing with Israeli GOVERNMENT policy has never been considered antisemtic. I oppose the demolishing of Palestinian homes, the firing of missiles from Gaza and the knife attacks promoted by Fatah through pension payments. I want a peaceful and two state solution. Labour delegates singing "From the River to the Sea" is a genocidal slogan and unacceptable.
By the way you mention the Naqba are you aware that more Jews were displaced and thrown out of Arab countries during that conflict than Palestinians. Where are all the Jews in Algeria these days etc .....? The conflict caused more than the displacement of Arabs.
What I dislike about the left is the singling out of Israel and the refusal to face up to other human rights abuses which you have rightly condemned. So why are two supposedly left-wing Labour MP's (Corbyn & Dar) allowed to praise a revolution that has led to Iran becoming one of the worst human rights abusers in the world. A question you need to address to them.
This was the reply:
Zionist extremists, like other far-right extremists (like nazi's and neo-nazi's) and Islamist extremists have caused hurt and continuing unhappiness, and division. This has been backed by Hegemonic powers who exert influence through their military industrial complex. The International Left in Labour and outside Labour have always opposed this and will always continue to do so. Jeremy Corbyn has dared to speak out hence an establishment based on power and privelige want to silence him. But as with Palestine, injustice and oppression can never be looked the other way or trying to demonise others. Free Palestine, without Fear or Favour....
It will never be possible to achieve any kind of unity in the party with these types of individuals. It will always be their way or the rest of us are just Tories/Traitors/Zionists/other. (Take your pick)