Wednesday 15 December 2021

Religious censorship threatens right of expression

Since the protests against Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses the main focus on religious fundamentalism and extremism has been on Islam. Whilst it has been right to monitor and combat Islamism, the political movement that is violently dangerous both here and tin the Muslim world itself society has had a tendency to forget that extremism exists within all religions.

Probably the main one that comes to mind is the more militant sections of the Christian anti-abortion movement whose actions have been far from peaceful and especially intimidating towards women seeking to control their bodies.  In Africa American missionaries have been behind an upsurge of homophobia. In Britain a cartoon version of Old Harry's Game a comedy radio show about the Devil set in Hell was withdrawn after objections from the church.

The latter instance a direct result of one religions's extremism empowering anthers fundamentalism. Not that most of these types need an excuse but sensitivities become enhanced amongst publishers and broadcasters when religion causes controversy. Currently it is the gender politcs machine which leads the censor in this country but extreme followers of religion will always be ready to punce when they feel the need to be "offended".

France is one of those countries where religion plays a censorious role in what they try to proclaim is a "secular state". Islamism is on the rise and as a result we also see the rise of Catholic extremism from within the majority religion.

The National Secular Society reports that a Swedish musician had to hold a secret concert as she apparently promotes "satanism". Having listened to her music ( a sample of which is published below) I do not see this. Even fellow Swedish performers Ghost who do openly use satanic imagery clearly only do it for entertainment 

The NSS writes:

Swedish organist and singer Anna von Hausswolff performed in secret on Thursday night, after two of her French concerts were cancelled due to pressure from fundamentalist Catholics.

It's bizarre to say the least that in 21st century Europe, concerns about 'blasphemy' still have the power to shut down concerts.

Our vision for a secular democracy is underpinned by the fundamental human right to free speech. Without this, democracy cannot exist. Read more and join our campaign:

Anna's music may not be to everybody's taste (though I rather liked it after purchasing an album in Solidarity) but it's interesting and her use of the pipe organ does rather necessitate a church!  

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