Tuesday 13 April 2021

The Communist Party launch electoral challenge to Labour

After having "stood aside" for Jeremy Corbyn  (which says a lot abut the movement around him) the Communist Party is today launching it's Manifesto for the local elections today . The Morning Star   reported yesterday that:

The party is standing its biggest slate of candidates since the 1980s after six years in which it didn’t stand — calling, as did much of the revolutionary left, for maximum support for Labour during the Jeremy Corbyn years.....

The Communist Party’s election campaign will be a significant contribution to the revival of a militant and combative socialist movement.

The Communist Party of Britain is standing 9 candidates in the London Assembly (lists) elections and in selected areas across the UK where it still retains members and a small level of organisation as the parry is a pale refection of itself from the old CPGB days, even having it's original name nicked by a tiny faction around The Leninist who now publish the Weekly Worker.

The CPB not only recently celebrated it's own centenary but also decided to praise the anniversary of the founding of that paragon of working class freedom the Chinese Communist Party. In fact of late more than a few Mao quotes have found their way into tweets.

That the Chinese are under the spotlight for oppressing the Uyghurs and have even been accused of genocide. This is either dismissed or ignored by the comrades who also fully support the continued occupation of Tibet.

So much for their credentials as paragons of virtue but what would anyone expect of a party that lives in the tradition of Lenin and Stalin whose Soviet Union and the Communist movement they sponsored is responsible for more starvation and mass murder than even the fascists of the Second World War. 

Why these charlatans continue to be given any credence in light of all the evidence of the crimes of Marxism-Leninism in all it's forms is something the chattering classes have a lot to answer for.

Of course It's unlikely that the CPB will make much of an impact and will find itself competing with a number of other far-left and equally deranged outfits including the bizarre Northern Independence Party and the Militant backed Traded Unionist & Socialist Coalition starring Chris Williamson as their latest ally.

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