Tuesday 2 November 2021

Sexual Harrassment and Stalin worship in the Young Communist League

The Young Communist league is not an organisation that comes readily to mind in the 21st century. Indeed if it wasn't for The Morning Star I doubt the official Communist Party of Britain would attract all that attention since they are a pale shadow of even their former selves with around just 800 members. In contrast their youth organisation has reportedly tripled in size to around 1.200 members though this has come with some serious problems.

There is a group of very unpleasant hard-line Stalinists who up until recently had been know as Red London. They were best avoided. Apparently they changed their name to Red Tek which is where this story ties into the Young Communist League. This group have entered en-mass into the YCL.

The conduct of these individuals has been raised not just inside the Communist Party itself but even publicly in letters column of The Morning Star. As a result the leadership of the CPB has issued the following protocols in order to try and bring the situation under control. 

From Unity the CPB Members Bulletin:

“We do not construct or promote ‘Conspiracy theories’ “Our class enemy is the ruling capitalist class, not some secretive sinister cabal of Freemasons, Zionists, the Illuminati or the Bill Gates Foundation..”

The CPB also lays down a timely call to the more enthusiastic ‘anti-Zionist’ recruits, “Posting anything on line which “normalises” anti-Semitic conspiracy theories including holocaust denial in any form – is incompatible with Party membership.”

That alone should send warning bells about the internal goings on inside the Young Communist League. However of more concer is the departure of a number of (mainly) women members who have complained about the sexual harassment that is taking place inside the organisation.

The following video is from a brave woman prepared to speak out.

It goes without saying that the allegation of sexual assault should not be dealt with in house as the Socialist Workers Party tried to to do with "Comrade Delta". In these cases the police should be involved. No political party is above the law.

The nature of Red London leadership and antics over the years have been outlined in a comment published under the above video. I have not published the name for legal reasons as these are all allegations untested in a court of law and I remain unsure of the legal position.

...... the lead figure in Redtek, has a long history of this kind of thing. For folks that are unaware, he was chased out of every anarchist space around ~10-15yrs ago amid a long list of alleged sexual assaults and instances of violence against anyone speaking out against him. He reinvented himself as a syndacalist, which led to the official disbanding of Liberty & Solidarity in the wake of allegations of sexual assault by him there. He then reinvented himself as a Lenninist under the name Red London and was alledlgedly involved in sexual assaults, grooming minors, and violent attacks (including invading the home of a trans woman). The last rumour of his whereabouts that made it to me were that he and his cronies were under investigation for misconduct at events connected to Momentum/The Labour Party and there were allegations of misconduct by him in connection with CPGB party organ The Morning Star, however I'm not really as connected with those than the earlier activities. Hearing the same issues again is heartbreaking, as no matter the professed ideals or political affiliation, their reported actions have remained the same. When chucked out they just move to somewhere folks are unaware of their past.

I came into the world of blogging a decade ago following amongst other things the antics of the SWP in dealing with a similar affair and watched them implode. Despite their supposedly progressive agendas the hard left has a long history of such abuse in it's ranks the best known of which was the Gerry Healy Affair in the Workers Revolutionary Party. 

These organisations have transformed from political parties into cults and as such are prone to abusing their memberships on every level. 

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