Tuesday 22 December 2020

Ghosts of Politics Bizarre

With Christmas only a couple of days off most political activists myself included have taken time off to prepare for the holiday and relax though stuff's still happening I thought if anything between now and the New Year if I posted anything other than holiday greetings it would be about international issues. However people never fail to amaze me.

It all began with the old Militant Tendency trying to push Magic Grandpa back into the political limelight by suggesting:

A Corbyn mayoral candidacy, however - backed by a slate of trade unionists, socialists, and community campaigners on an anti-cuts platform - could have a dramatic effect on combating Starmer, inspiring and rallying all those previously enthused by Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party.

At least those that did could be easily expelled and the rest of the party get on with the real job of being elected.  Pity old Compo will never agree to the idea...perhaps he should be encouraged?

Meanwhile not to be left out Chris Williamson still tries to attract attention. This time he's tweeting in support of Gaddafi:

The fact that most people knew little or nothing about the incredible social policies in Libya under Gaddafi is an indictment of the corporate media hacks. They perpetually fail to tell the truth about non-Western countries and lap up imperialist propaganda instead.

Of course his imprisonment, torture and murder of dissidents both inside and outside the country was probably just propaganda on our part too. Not sure why Williamson wants to promote a long dead dictator.

The people who did in this country were the now deceased rapist leader of the old Workers revolutionary Party Gerry Healy who got managed to get a colour printing press out of the connection. Gaddafi's other fan was one Nick Griffin. These men didn't like Jews Zionists either. Good ideological company for the new Lord Voldemort who wants to escalate the push for a new "peoples party".

And then to top it all the British Board of Censors Film Classification have decided to put a warning on the eighties classic Flash Gordon:

'Flash's arch-nemesis, Ming the Merciless, is coded as an east Asian character due to his hair and make-up, but he's played by the Swedish actor Max von Sydow, which I don't think is something that would happen if this were a modern production and is something we're also aware that viewers may find dubious, if not outright offensive.

Erm no. Ming is an alien trying to wipe out mankind. he's not even bloody human and everybody who has seen and knows the movie knows this. Just because a bunch of navel gazing woke-influenced folk have suddenly decided otherwise is ludicrous. 

You know racism does exist in society. I've been a victim of it. Many friends of mine Black, Asian and White have been victims of racism. Trying to deal with it is difficult enough without some trendy tosser coming out with such turgid nonsense no one will take seriously.

Next someone will be saying men have periods...oh wait. I despair. Tampax gave in to that one as well!

I blame the lock-down...it's driving people potty I tell ye.....

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