Tuesday 29 December 2020

Labour in Exile Network (LIEN) or (Lying)


A few weeks back a group of hard left supporters had this wheeze to set a "Constituency Labour Party" for all those expelled or suspended from the party. Whilst this project fell flat on it's face they have managed to set up yet another organisation. The Morning Star reports:

PURGED Labour Party members have set up a campaign opposing the suspensions of local party officials for allowing motions supporting Jeremy Corbyn.

The Labour In Exile Network (LIEN) aims to bring “true democracy” to the Labour Party through its Plan for Change campaign.

One of their supporters, former Chair of South Thanet CLP Norman Thomas told the Communist Party newspaper:

“The current leadership has launched a kind of ‘reign of terror’ in the party, ordering people not to even talk about these issues at their local meetings and suspending anyone who dares to fight back. This cannot go on,” he said.

The irony that he's saying this to the mouthpiece of a party and political tendency that purged and murdered millions seems lost on him. There's me thinking only Zionists didn't understand "British irony as his mentor Comrade Corbyn once told his disciples....

Their delusions of grandeur seem to have no end as we are told that:

The group will hold an Alternative Labour Party Conference in 2021, at which its plan will be debated and put to a vote.

However all is not well since another group has appeared calling itself The Real Labour In Exile has appeared. Their founder one Rachel Lily Rose muses:

The other group is called Labour in Exile Network i joined it got called a troll a cultist Corbynista etc and left then i saw some people online they had the same experience so they had also left the group. It sounded good but i think it's a stitch up to try and convince people the right faction of Labours version of events is real! Basically, we have to scapegoat Jeremy Corbyn and blame him for everything or we are living in denial and have learned nothing if we don't believe every word written in the right-wing media.

Confused? I think she is but then again aren't they all?

One contributor to the thread this comment appears on a John Porter shows how "Real Labour" he is whn he writes:

I'm not sure about Scotland. Why would you need to vote Labour when there is a solid left alternative?

Not Labour at all methinks not that any of these people really are.

Meanwhile two other groups are running on-line conferences on the 23rd and 30th January. I'm sure there will be more as the comrades contemplate their ideological navels.

The hard left just love setting up all these campaigns to make themselves feel important and show the rest of us how self indulgent they are. Considering they are supposedly "socialists" their inability to co-operate is astounding since that's the basis of their creed as I understand it.

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