Sunday 6 December 2020

The hard left get a taste of their own machinations....


You may have seen the far/had-left protesting about their comrades accounts being closed by Twitter yesterday. Some remain suspended but the left's outcry about free speech is somewhat hypocritical both now and historically.

When I first opened a Twitter account (to replace the now defunct Google Plus function I relied on as a blogger) I managed to clash with a couple of hard left activists within days one of whom Abby Hoffman a rather unpleasant JVL activist said that "they should report my staus" which was supported by someone (no longer on Twitter) that used a false a name. Nothing came of it as I doubt Twitter could find anything that even remotely broke their rules. 

However the intent was there. This was all part and parcel of what was happening in the Labour Party at the time. Anyone who didn't agree with the "Dear Leader" was roundly denounced, told to go jin the Tories etc. You all know the drift by now, especially if like me you were a Zionist Jew.

The rise of the Corbynite and Identity politics left has led to a massive increase in to attacks on the right to free speech. It began in universities as arguments arose over gender vs sex-based (women's) rights those that dared challenge the new orthodoxy found themselves bullied, harassed, attacked, banned," no-platformed" and even sacked just because they wanted to present an alternative point of view. 

Most of the victims (but far from all) were women. To see life long feminists and champions of women's rights banned from speaking just because she doesn't believe in the modern mantra that trans-women are actually women and women like JK Rowling threatened with vile tweets from trans-activists telling her to "suck their lady-dicks along with rape threats from err.."trans-women" and their "allies " was an absolute disgrace.

The right to challenge ideas about transitioning (especially when those demanding rights infringe on the rights of others) along with whether children should be given puberty blockers or beginning the process before adjusting to their actual bodies as an adult like everyone else has resulted in attacks on Lesbians in particular.

I have always been disturbed by the trans-notion of the "cotton ceiling" where men identifying as "women" but retain male genitalia call lesbians "transphobic" because they won't sleep with them is male entitlement's equivalent to rape as it demands women's submission to them.

The Government has withdrawn the proposed legislation that allows for "self-identification" and there remains a very complex debate to be had though the hard left and their allies have mostly aligned themselves with the inquisitors of the trans-activist movement.

That aside the hard left has no history of actually being democratic or allowing free speech. Most of these activists are influenced to one degree or another by the politics of Marxism, in particular those of of Lenin &Trotsky. They claim this "tradition" is anti-Stalinist when in fact so many of the methods used  by Uncle Joe to suppress opposition were in fact developed by old Trotsky himself.

During Kropotkin's funeral the Bolsheviks went around smashing the Anarchists printing presses. All non Bolshevik (later Communist Party) socialist opposition was banned, let alone the rest. Trotsjy even moved against internal party opposition groups such as The Trade Union Opposition and others all of whom were systematically suppressed.

Even the Gulags were opened by Trotsky and don't mention Kronstadt. In fact nowhere any form of Marxism took hold democracy was never on the agenda. From Cuba to Venezuela, China and North Korea dissent is not allowed. The party is always right. the line is always held. 

The comrades always claim that these countries were either "deformed workers states" or not socialist at all. In fact many say that their socialism has not been tried and it will be different. Really? If that were the case why is all these far left group continually split asunder because their leaderships cannot tolerate dissent. 

Older readers may remember that the far-left was once likened to Heinz's "57 varieties" but that advertising campaign has been defunct for many years. The divisions within the far-left to dissidence let alone outsiders remains violently hostile. Free speech for these people is only for them.

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