Monday 16 August 2021

Biden, Chamberlain and the left: appeasers of tyranny

The shock of the Taliban's victory in Afghanistan leaves a cold feeling inside not just me but millions of others around the world. Already the executions and violations of human rights have begun in earnest. 

The so-called socialist left has almost without exception celebrated the defeat of what it calls "Western Imperialism" claiming it was the Americans and the West who are the real enemy.

Tell that to the fleeing Afghans. 

Tell that to the women who will be forced back into total subservience.

Tell that to the female Mayor of Kabul who said she awaited her fate.

The rise of religious fascism will not end here. ISIS has lost one caliphate it is building elsewhere. In Mozambique, in Sub-Saharan Africa. Al Queda remains a threat as do the the terrorists of Hezbollah armed to the teeth in the failed state of Lebanon by Iranian clerics who seek hegemony in the Muslim world.

The there's the war in Yemen. The left blame the West yet it is the Iranians who started this conflict and armed the Houthi.

There was the war in Syria where the left only protested about Western bombs as if the Russian ones killed and maimed no one whilst propping up Assad's vicious dictatorship.

Religious fascism in the form of Islamism has scored yet another victory against the ever weakening democracies. The enemy without is joined by the enemy within. Not just Islamists but those that cover them like the various left-wig sects who seek to destroy our democratic way of life and think the defeat of the West by deranged Jihadists will hep their cause.

If our freedoms are to survive then the time has come to stand up to the Islamists and the so-called left both at home and abroad.

The left have shown that do not care one jot about ordinary people. They parasitically adopt issues to further their own cause. They cynically use race, religion, asylum seekers, refugees, antisemitism and whatever else they can get their claws into to undermine and divide. In this they are no better than the fascists

If our freedoms are to survive then the time has come to stand up to the Islamists and the so-called left both at home and abroad.


Meanwhile President Biden will join Chamberlain as one of history's worst appeasers. 

Satire meets reality........

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