Sunday 22 August 2021

"I am a free man not a number"

Photo: Wiki: Fair Use

From the sixties TV show The Prisoner comes the famous declaration that Number Six is a man with the right to be free both physically and literally from a world of oppression. It is one of the most important, if fictional declaration of the individual.

This was a time when there was hope that the world could be free, that the individual mattered and free thought would survive. The war against fascism had been won but the conflict between the free world and communism continued util the late eighties when the Soviet empire finally collapsed. 

However history does not end there.

Today we still face threats to our individual freedom and there are within our society those who would still take it away ranging from the hard left, so-called anti-imperialism and of course the rise of Islamism in it's various forms.

For a long time I have as both a trade unionist and a retired individual attempted to oppose the rise of these ideologues starting in the PCS union used and manipulated by the far left as they turned the union from being a "representative" organisation for it's members into being an "activists" union. The members would be told what to do, not asked as the vanguard knew better.

This extended into the Labour Party with the rise of Corbynism an authoritarian, hard-line movement that tolerated no decent. You were either with them or some kind of Tory or Jew. The rise of antisemtism  grew inside this new movement. They would defend any minority any ethnicity except the Jews.


For them the destruction of Israel was central to their overarching desire to see "Western Capitalism" collapse and in that process use the Islamic world as an ally in their march towards the socialist utopia. The Zionists were in the way. Their rights to self-determination the sole exception to their rule.

To their credit a few stood against this racist trend yet still supported Corbyn frankly making their assistance against antisemitism useless. 

Corbynism was a totally corrupted political trend full of bullies both on line and in meetings. People like the General Secretary of the ever declining PCS Union Mark Serwotka joined Labour to purge and deselect any and all who would not bend to their agenda.

Many like myself who despite not being members had urged for a Labour vote were driven away. Ultimately the Corbyn bubble burst but Labour was left emasculated from it's former self. No more "broad church". There are now at least two parties in one struggling for hegemony. 

Currently the party is expelling members of the parasitic Socialist Appeal (Militant) group and the antisemites and their enablers in misnamed groups like Labour Against the Witch Hunt. The charlatan Ken Loach is out as is Graham Bash of Labour Briefing & partner of the vile Walker woman who was kicked out under even Corbyn's watch as her views and behaviour were that unacceptable inside the Party. 

Now I hear Pete Firmin a former member of the International Marxist Group (IMG) is also out. Another so-called socialist who fell down the rabbit hole of Corbyism. 

There are those who continue to defend these people including so may who even deny the existence of antisemitism inside the Labour Party.

All this plus the growth of misogyny from the identitarian , gender and trans-movements leading to attacks o feminists ad the no-platforming of women like Germaine Greer, the rape and death threats against JK Rowling further make me fear for the future.

The final straw for me is the fall of Afghanistan. The left talk about the defeat of Western Imperialism rather than the victory of stone age Islam(ism) large numbers even rubbing their hands in glee. They are the quislings in our midst who would try to disarm us in the face of adversity and proof of that was seen as Stop the War leaders told the Kurds not to accept US weapons.

One harridan in PCS accused me of "war-mongering" for demanding we assisted the Kurds and Yazidi's against ISIS and sought to get my post removed from the PCS Facebook Page. She didn't see this as censorship, just "anti-war". 

Meanwhile the Yazidi's were raped and murdered. 

Even now former PCS fixer John McInally considers me a "right-wing, reactionary pro-imperialist" (which I don't see as an insult rather a compliment) while fellow blogger Andrew Coates (after a heated discussion with his leftist friends) says "he does not see the point" of me while some of his mates think any opposition them is trolling. 

Ideology trumps the individual human being with these shysters. We just don't count. That's why the gulags the purges, executions and mass murders have taken place everywhere these Marxists have had power.

Well I've got news for you. despite my particularly limited physical ability to get involved I will do whatever I can to fight against these people who are so obviously intolerant of the individuals right to differ from their world view.

The hard left, the anti-imperialists, the identity politics charlatans and the Islamists are the enemy of us all. It's time to stand up to them and their nonsense. The buck stops here!

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