Monday 9 August 2021

Does anyone remember the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign?


Back in the early eighties during the Thatcher years I recall a whole umber of different campaigns that we (that is the "left") used to go o demos protesting about. El Salvador, South Africa and Nicaragua backing the Sandinistas if I recall correctly. 

There was certainly a more internationalist approach by the left than today where the obsession with the Israel/Palestine conflict to all else has led to the rise of an antisemitic left*. But I digress, well sort of. Do you remember the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign?

I do. Had the t-shirt, mug, various badges, pamphlets and went on a few demonstrations. It was a big campaign supported by the unions, the Labour Party and the left almost without question. Today we hear very little about it ever sice the "right side" that is the left "won".

Daniel Ortega was the hero of so many of us as he fought the oppressive US backed regime ad set up a new socialist future. Yet today even Beauty Queens are not safe from him and his wife who both have every intention of hanging onto power at all costs.

As elections approach The Guardian reports:

For months Ortega’s government has been detaining political adversaries, including presidential hopefuls, ahead of an election in which the former Marxist guerrilla and cold war antagonist of Washington will be running for a fourth consecutive term.

Berenice Quezada, who was Miss Nicaragua 2017, was detained at her home late on Tuesday night and placed under house arrest, the Citizens Alliance for Liberty (ACXL) party said.

She was the eighth contender in the election to be arrested since May. The other seven candidates and about two dozen opposition leaders have been arrested on vague treason charges. Most of those arrested in the crackdown are being held incommunicado, at undisclosed locations and with no access to lawyers

Of course if you listen to those few comrades still defending the so-called "revolution" it's all the fault of the USA and the "right-wing opposition.....

The Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group claims:

Nicaragua faces a critical situation as it approaches its elections in November. The US has upped the ante once again, threatening Nicaragua with yet more sanctions and other coercive measures and continuing to fund and support Nicaragua's right-wing opposition. As has been the case for several years now, the reports in corporate media give a completely distorted and false impression of what's actually going on in the country.

Not sure how a Beauty Queen is such a threat but then Ortega has his fawning fan club with the likes of Margaret Flowers tells us:

.... social transformation (revolution) requires both political power and participation by the people. Without political power, revolutionary programs will not have the material resources they require. Without the participation of the people, revolutionary programs, even with resources, cannot be put into practice and defended.

Typical Marxist gush that relates to the imposition of "socialism" from the top down by any means necessary which brooks no opposition as the experience from the Soviet Union through China to Cuba has taught us.  

No wonder Nicaragua has been put on the back burner by so may of the comrades. Every one of their revolutions has brought not justice or freedom but repression and dictatorship by the vanguard that the left see themselves as beig part of. A corrupted ideology through and through.

*And they wonder why no Jew can ever trust them over Israel? No one should trust them ever. I will return to this theme tomorrow using their own words

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