Saturday 25 September 2021

Labour To Win Statement to Conference


Our umbrella organisation, Labour to Win, has released this statement on Labour Party rules changes, 23 September 2021.

This weekend is crucial for Labour’s long-term future as a serious party of government. As Keir Starmer sets out his stall to put hard-working families and their priorities at the heart of his programme, the party has an opportunity to reconnect with voters and repair the damage done by four election defeats.

The priorities of party members will never tightly align with those of the wider electorate. But Labour has allowed the voices of a passionate few to drown out those of their friends, colleagues and neighbours for far too long – and at far too high a price. We must reset our relationship with the public, encourage greater parity between the constituent parts of the Labour movement, and free-up the Leader and frontbench to make the case for a Labour government instead of getting bogged down in endless internal debates.

Labour to Win fully supports the package of party reforms being put forward to the Labour Party NEC for debate at the Labour Party conference:
  • The reform of leadership election rules - increasing the nomination threshold to get onto the ballot and resetting the freeze date for voting members to six months’ membership. The registered supporters’ scheme will also be abolished – renewing the primacy of members’ role in the process.
  • The restoration of the trigger process so that MPs need to win the support of half of all branches (CLP and affiliates). The current rules are undemocratic as they allow for one-third of branches to outvote the remaining two-thirds and force a full reselection process. As a result, MPs are forced to spend a disproportionate amount of time talking to party members at the expense of talking to voters.
  • A reduction in the number of topics debated at conference from 20 to a much more manageable number where deeper, more meaningful debate can be focused.
Passing these reforms would be an important symbol that Labour is ready to reconnect with the public. We ask all delegates to Labour Party conference to back these reforms – and help put Labour back on the path to power.

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