Tuesday 20 July 2021

Far-left's protests and campaigns fall into farce.


World's largest boot: By Bgelo777 - Own work, CC

If any member of Labour's National Executive Committee doubted the reason why they should proscribe a number of organisations and expel their members then they only had to look out the window at this afternoons pathetic protest outside their meeting.

From the start the assembled unwashed had problems when Piers Corbyn and some of his anti-vaxxers and Covid deniers turned up to the obvious consternation of Toy Greenstein a individual not know for his tolerance. Things then began getting out of hand when former Socialist Appeal/Labour Party member turned supporter of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Weekly Worker) had his microphone turned off but managed to keep o ranting to the obvious embarrassment of much of the comrades in the audience which was drifting away already..

Except Piers who clapped like a old seal waiting for more fish.

As usual the far/hard left however you wish to define them managed to shoot themselves firmly in the foot when instead they might, just might have been able to latch onto the statement (absurd as it was) from Laura Pillock, Ayatollah Yar and their left wing mates on the NEC.

Pidcock & co had tried to argue that these groups did not break the rules despite oe (Resist, led by expelled ex-MP Chris William so) actually standing three candidates as part of the rival Trade Union & Socialist Coalitions local election campaign against Labour. Socialist Appeal is a entirely different political party with it's own structures and international affiliations. 

The other two groups included enablers of antisemitism which Labour has finally take action against and a group of expelled members and those who had resigned from the party before they were pushed. The left's arguments do't hold up.

New grouping: "Defend the Left"!

Of course the groups either already on the list plus some who fear they will be added (including the Labour Representation Committee which ope's it doors to members of other political parties such as the pro-North Korean New Communist Party) have backed yet another campaign set up by Tina Werkman who originally joined the Labour Party when she was a member of the CPGB (WW) but split after some obscure argument about her going "native".

Werkman also runs several of the organisations* that have signed up to this latest effort:

Initial supporting organisations:

Jewish Voice for Labour
Labour Against the Witchhunt*
Labour In Exile Network*
Labour Left Alliance*
Labour Party Marxists
Labour Representation Committee
Socialist Appeal
Socialist Resistance
Other supporting organisations:

Labour Campaign for Free Speech
Red Flag
Workers’ International Network
Anti Capitalist Resistance
Sheffield Labour Left 
Newham Socialist Labour
Bootle for Socialism
Hackney and Islington Unite Community

None of these people actually believe in free speech or democracy. They include revolutionary socialists or to be precise communists or Trotskyists who whenever gaining power from Russia to Cuba have ever allowed freedom of speech, press or even the existence of legitimate opposition in any form.

Please note: Full reports and results of then NEC will be published in due course as the meeting continues at the time of posting.

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