Wednesday 21 July 2021

Socialist Appeal & Resist respond to their being proscribed


The Labour Party National Executive Committee agreed to proscribing Socialist Appeal, Resist, Labour Against the Witch Hunt (LAW) and Labour In Exile (LIE) at it's meeting yesterday ignoring the irrelevant protest outside it's HQ by ot just the worst the left has to offer but the neo-fascists around Piers Corbyn. 

Predictably the comrades have gone on the warpath:

Socialist Appeal made this self-centred delusional statement: 

The deed is done. This evening, Labour’s right-wing dominated NEC voted to proscribe four left-wing organisations from the party, including Socialist Appeal.

This scandalous and cowardly decision is a direct political attack on the whole of the left. Starmer and the right wing have thrown down the gauntlet. The entire left must mobilise and respond with militancy and audacity....

Capitalism is in its deepest ever crisis. Unlike in the Blair era, it is not reforms, but attacks and austerity that are on the agenda. Starmer and the right wing have nothing to offer but patronising flag-waving and appeals to big business.

Sharp class struggles lie ahead, in Britain and internationally. Enormous pressures are building within society, and particularly within the working class. And one way or another, these will burst to the surface, finding a reflection both on the streets, and in the Labour Party and the trade unions.

In this process, the mass organisations of the working class will be transformed and re-transformed. And the ideas of Marxism will become even more relevant.

This is why we are not demoralised or downtrodden by today’s NEC decision. Instead, we are even more determined to set about the task at hand: to build the Marxist tendency – Socialist Appeal, the Marxist voice of Labour and youth.

To all those who have been expelled, or who have left the Labour Party in disgust with Starmer’s leadership, we urge you to join us in this task.

Despite finding support from no less than nine members of Labour's ruling body thereby putting their own loyalty on the line Chris Williamson's Resist had this to say:

The unsurprising result of today's NEC meeting from Starmer's in-house magazine. The members of Socialist Appeal, LAW and LIE congregated outside Southside clearly weren't shouting loudly enough. Resist which could not give a monkeys about Labour shenanigans was not present.

Neither Labour In Exile (LIE) or Labour Against the Witch Hunt (LAW) have responded yet. 

The proletariat awaits in anticipation............

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