Friday 30 July 2021

Proscribed groups re-organise and threaten disruption to the Labour Party


The four organisation that were recently proscribed by the Labour Part have as expected launched their campaigns to defend their presence inside the Labour Party. At a recent on-line Zoom conference many of the comrades joined in with camera's off and some using assumed names in a attempt to hide their membership of these groups but the bulk of course are well known in their local constituencies ad nationally so most should be able to be identified with out any problems.

Socialist Appeal however cannot hide like these other hard-left activists who act like trolls within the Labour Party just stirring it up where they can for whatever cause or problem that's caught their attention. The members of British Section of the International Marxist Tendency which recently held it's ow international on-line congress with people from 34 sections and 50 countries i all ca't really hide because their entire political activity revolves around pushing their turgid newspaper and tedious theoretical journal.

The moment someone produces a pile of papers outside the meeting they're "nicked". I ca't really see these comrades trig to sell their rag like the dirty postcards of yesteryear. Psst wanna paper.. and keep them hidden under an anorak. Socialist Appeal has the a problem and though they have teamed up with the Labour Against the Witch Hut (LAW) and Labour In Exile (LIE) it is likely to be the end of the road for that entryist group.

Meanwhile the LAW and LIE groups have agreed on a merger which given they're run by more or less the same people is hardly a surprise.

It's worth noting the kind of individuals that LAW& LIE attract as this contribution on-line from Bob Cannell illustrates:

Are they going to sit at home, weeping? Or just start up another group with another name? How do they know who the 'members' of these groups are? Are mere supporters also excommunicated? Kinnock didnt expell all the Militant rank and file (because he didnt know who they were), just the organisers and leaders. If the Labour party has gained access to membership lists (maybe using their ex-Israel security service IT officer) that is surely a breach of Data Protection Law. I can see the Labour party spending a lot more members money defending itself in more court cases.

Note the casual conspiracy outlook thrown in. It always involves Israel somewhere.........

Wolves of Westminster reports:

The Steering Committee instructed the group’s members to lie if asked about their membership of any proscribed organisations, with one member commenting in response that “some people deserve to be lied to."

One member of the Steering Committee who chaired the meeting, expelled former party member Tina Werkmann, said that the group now had “just under 500 members” (although there have been far more suspensions and expulsions), with 80 new members joining in the past few days. She said at the start of the meeting that the NEC’s decision “proves the point that we have been a thorn in the side of the Labour Party Right, and we should take that as a compliment”, urging members to “keep on fighting”.....

......The group has previously appeared to support taking “direct action” against the Labour Party, including disrupting its meetings – an approach apparently endorsed in the past by another member of the Steering Committee, expelled former party member Tony Greenstein.

.....Several other speakers also supported the notion of forming a new radical-left party as an alternative to Labour, with one contributor making the suggestion of “forcing” Jeremy Corbyn to do so and lead it.

The group will be organising an event called Resist!, to be held in Brighton in parallel with the Labour Party Conference, as a ‘counter-Conference’

Several more organisations including the falsely named Jewish Voice for Labour are clearly acting against the party's interests and action needs to take to proscribe these group as soon as possible.

According to the Weekly Worker:

.....on Saturday July 31, when representatives from the LLA, JVL, the LRC and Socialist Appeal will put forward a motion to a meeting of the shadowy Chatham House left network, opposing the proscription of LAW, LIEN and Socialist Appeal, and calling for LAW and LIEN to be admitted to the continuing talks about left unity. The oh so responsible left trade union leaders and official left politicians will be put on the spot - the Chatham House rule of diplomatic silence notwithstanding - and will surely draw the line at bringing into their elevated counsels the unacceptable, militant left that the NEC has ruled to be beyond the pale.

Meanwhile the LAW and LIE groups have agreed on a merger which given they're run by more or less the same people is hardly a surprise.

The sooner these dysfunctional individuals and their organisations are placed firmly outside the Labour Party the better for the building of a electable modern social democratic party

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